Technology | Ocean | WHOI | Startups | science
Reducing “launch costs” for ocean tech will unlock the blue economy, the same way the private space sector led to a boom in orbital observation and communications.
Last week, we splashed down at Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI) to host another fun Ocean MBA, which featured over 30 WHOI researchers, engineers, staff, and students, along with scientists from Bigelow Laboratory for Ocean Sciences. Dozens of mentors and instructors joined us to share their knowledge and learn more about the WHOI teams’ work. The feedback from all teams was overwhelmingly positive, emphasizing the entrepreneurial insights gained and the invaluable support from our mentors.
Technology | Propeller | WHOI | Startups | hackathon
At Propeller, we constantly seek opportunities to inspire ocean-climate innovation and entrepreneurship. Our Hackathons help identify opportunities for research teams from the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI) to solve problems faced in the market and uncover connections between industry and academia.
Propeller | Ocean MBA | WHOI | Startups
Propeller and WHOI have deepened their collaborations through the direct funding of projects that have high commercializable value to the wider world. In addition, the Ocean MBA program helps project scientists consider the needs of markets and customers, and imagine themselves as risk-takers in the entrepreneurial realm. Peter de Menocal, President & Director, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution kicks off the Ocean MBA Propeller guest mentors work in breakout sessions with WHOI researchers Propeller fielded the unique program, an “Ocean MBA”, for WHOI scientists and engineers on site January 17-18. The event kicked off with a case study by Propeller founding partner Brian Halligan to introduce a common lexicon and share the journey of HubSpot. It served as an icebreaker to provide new perspectives to ocean researchers and bridge the worlds of startups and research. Viewing their technologies as vital pieces in a value chain that enables novel activities in the new blue economy resonated with the group. Guest Lecturer Susan Schofer presents on turning hard tech into product